20,000 slides returned from Sports Illustrated

I had all my selects from 1992-2002 returned from the magazine.

New in my archive: From Rice to Gosen to Mangin

My online archive now has over 60,000 images

Thanks Instagram. I was really worried.

Instagram’s bad moves this week would have made me quit my account.

Tim Mantoani documents photography legends

Tim Mantoani’s “Behind Photographs” will soon be a book.

Why I Broke Up With My Flash Website

I have a brand-new HTML-based portfolio website.

It started in 1987: My online archive hits 50,000!

Brad Mangin’s online archive has surpassed the 50,000 image mark.

New additions to the archive coming soon!

I am adding sports photographers to my online searchable archive.

Look everyone. I’m on television!

Brad Mangin made his first television appearance on Chronicle Live.

Off-season project: working on my archive

Captioning my scanned images is a daunting task.