From iPhone to Instagram to the Printed Pages of Sports Illustrated
Posted on July 19, 2012
This spread of baseball iPhone Instagrams was published as a Leading Off double truck in Sports Ilustrated this week. (Photos by Brad Mangin)
It is now Thursday afternoon and this has been one crazy week. After Sports Illustrated published a series of my baseball Instagrams the new and exciting things seem to be happening every hour.
Yesterday, Deadspin trashed SI and my pictures, with a post titled “In Desperate Bid To Be Down With The Youngs, Sports Illustrated Uses Instagram Photos In This Week’s Issue.” I read this on my iPhone while shooting the A’s in Oakland and I loved it! I think it’s funny and I am glad the Instagrams are making people talk. posted a gallery of 18 of my baseball Instagrams on their site yesterday afternoon (many of them not published in the magazine).

CLICK ON PICTURE FOR BIGGER IMAGE: This spread of baseball iPhone Instagrams was published as a Leading Off double truck in Sports Ilustrated this week. (Photos by Brad Mangin)
I have not seen the magazine yet, as my mail is always delivered annoyingly late in the afternoon, so I won’t see my subscription copy until Thursday or Friday. It always seems much more real when I can hold my published images in my hand. I know that must sound crazy coming from a guy who shot all these pictures with his cell phone, but I am still old school!
Luckily, Nate Gordon (my editor at the magazine) sent me PDF files of the three “Leading Off” spreads so I can share them today on my blog. You can see them all here on this page, and if you click on them you can view the images in a larger size.

CLICK ON PICTURE FOR BIGGER IMAGE: This spread of baseball iPhone Instagrams was published as a Leading Off double truck in Sports Illustrated this week. (Photos by Brad Mangin)
Things got nuttier at 11:40am PDT today when Instagram sent out a tweet about my images being published in Sports Illustrated. “How @BradMangin Made Instagram Images That Were Good Enough for Sports Illustrated:” is what the tweet said. The tweet went out to over 6.8 million followers!
This sudden surge of traffic to the blog caused the server to freak out and page loads slowed down dramatically, in some cases causing browser time-outs because the server was overloaded. Thanks to some fast work by my buddy Grover Sanschagrin things stabilized pretty quickly and things got back to normal within about 15 minutes.
I am heading off to the ballpark in Oakland later this afternoon to shoot some pre-game of tonight’s Yankees at A’s game. I will be sending a few new Instagrams out, so if you don’t want to miss them be sure to follow me: @bmangin.
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